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Blemish: Used to help determine a gem’s clarity, blemishes are the external identifying characteristics of a diamond. 

Brilliance: A diamond's ability to reflect white light is known as its brilliance. As flashes of light are refracted through a diamond, it creates an incredible sparkle that makes the stone even more beautiful.

Carat (ct.): This is the international standard used when measuring the weight of gemstones and can also be referred to as points if the diamond is smaller than one carat, such as 50 points for one-half a carat.

Cut: The cut of a diamond refers to both the shape and its proportions, or “make.” While the shape can be pear, marquise, etc., it also relates to how well the diamond was cut and polished to give the best appearance.

Certification: Also known as a “cert,” this document identifies the characteristics of the diamond at a specific point in time. The independent laboratory report is also called a diamond grading report by the GIA.

Color: When it comes to diamonds, color is in reference to the absence of color within the stones. While they do come in various colors, a colorless diamond is the rarest.

Clarity: Each diamond is as unique as a fingerprint. The clarity of a diamond is determined by the type, number, size, location, and relief of its unique external and internal characteristics.

Crown: The crown is where light enters a diamond and begins its brilliance. Located above the girdle on a polished diamond, the crown can significantly affect a diamond’s appearance.

Dispersion: Dispersion is when white light is separated into spectral hues within the diamond to create tiny flashes of color, also referred to as fire.

Facet: A facet is the flat, polished surface of a finished diamond. Some cuts will feature more than others, such as the round brilliant which has 58 facets to create its maximum sparkle.

Fire: The dispersed colored light of a diamond is referred to as its fire.

GIA: The Gemological Institute of America is an independent nonprofit organization that provides knowledge and laboratory services that help the jewelry industry identify standards of diamond quality.

Girdle: The girdle is the largest area of a diamond measured at its outermost edge and is the part of the stone that is held in place in a ring setting.

Inclusion: These internal identifying characteristics, much like blemishes, are used to determine a diamond's clarity.

Pavilion: The pavilion is the area below the girdle that reflects light back through the crown and is frequently the noticeable “V” shape at the base of the diamond.

Point: This is a decimal system utilized to assist in determining the weight of a diamond in carats. While a full carat is “1.00 carat,” a point makes up only 1/100th of a carat.

Scintillation: Flashes of light reflected as a result of the movement of a polished diamond.

Table: The largest facet of a diamond is a broad flat surface known as the table. For example, it is the shape of an octagon on a round brilliant.

The 4C’s: Used to determine the value, the four C’s of diamonds include its cut, clarity, carat weight, and color.

Total Weight: Each gem has its own weight. When one piece of jewelry features several gems, the item’s total weight is the summation of the weight of each stone on the item. The term can be found abbreviated as CTW, CWT, TW, or TDW.